Welcome to Rapeface's Website.

Rapeface loves you very very much.



Rapeface is a band made of one person and a robot. We are a one person band. The robot is not a person. He has no heart and blood does not run through his veins. He is a souless bastard. The rapeface contributes nothing to the bad musically. He just looks menacing.


I AM A MENACING ROBOT! he shouts. Does anyone listen?


Rapeface has two songs, "Themesong From Rapeface" and "Bk Killed My Baby" Rapeface is always working on new songs. We currently have over 400 new songs in the works. Rapeface refuses to play shows at this date. If you're lucky you'll just spontaneously here rapeface in the wind. The band as well as working on songs, is in the process of writing a feature film, to be titled, "Rapeface" and writing a book which will be called "Rapeface"


These people will kill your baby. Who is this madman?


COMING SOON! Pictures of rapeface at work! Writing songs, movies and books, making love to farm animals and raping some face!



The Small Print: Rapeface is a joke. Rapeface doesn't endorse rape. If you think rape is acceptable you're a sicko. Rape is a terrible thing.